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The immediate and lasting effect of our program is readily seen in the faces of the youth we serve...


For each participant, there is at least one component of the process that serves as an immediate and natural draw. That could be holding a tool, tightening a bolt, an artistic outlet, an interest in machinery, a sense of inclusion, or simply being physical in a new way. This point of engagement means that one is now invested in the activity, and more willing to get involved in other aspects outside of their comfort zone.

You helped set up the furnace -

you may as well cast something

(even if "art isn't your thing")

You carved a beautiful scratch block -

you want to help pour it

(even though "you don't think you're strong enough")


"I learned there is a type of art I don't hate."

- Erin M.


Once the door has been opened, the broad practice of metal casting has an amazing capacity to shape personal growth. We provide access to new outlets for creativity, STEAM concepts, physical challenges, productive risk-taking, trust-building, and collaboration. Because it is a collaborative process that poses a very real danger, students learn the value of focus and participation, finding their own strength while also relying on others. This yields a deeper understanding of the activity, which can translate into the next project, educational course, job opportunity, vocation, etc.

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"I would recommend this experience highly to any school leader interested in providing their students with an opportunity that engages, challenges, and rewards students at high levels while still providing choice in their degree of participation. We had 100% of our students fully engaged throughout the process."

- Steve Gross

Principal, Solstice Day School


The Eutectic Arts program empowers students to expand their realities, and recognize their own capabilities. What can be learned from accepting that challenge is infinite; and what can grow out of that knowledge is immeasurable. Imagine what one can do with the phrase, "I trust myself."

The skills we teach can also be a step into different trades, STEAM programs, or a creative arts education. The emphasis on teamwork, collaboration, and problem solving are essential job-readiness skills. Or, it was just a really fun day, and sometimes that's all you can ask for.


Q: What was your favorite part of the process?

A: I loved making my design and carving the sand block.

Q: Did you ever think you would be able to pour molten metal?


A: No! I was a little scared and intimidated...but it was really cool and I'm glad I did it.

So what will you think next time you encounter a slightly scary and intimidating situation?

Q: What was your favorite part of the process?

A: I loved making my design and carving the sand block.

Q: Did you ever think you would be able to pour molten metal?


A: No! I was a little scared and intimidated...but it was really cool and I'm glad I did it.

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